Well the weather hasn't been all that cooperative so far this weekend, but we have managed to make the most put of it so far. Friday evening Michelle and I went up to Mylan Park to see Kim and Brittany who were taking part in the
Relay for Life event that they had then. It was actually the first time I had been to that particular facility and I was quite impressed with it. It was the first time I had been in that building.
We drove up through the complex, and although she had been at that facility, Michelle said she had never been through the rest of the complex so we drove through for her to get a chance to see everything.

Yesterday even though it was raining most of the day, we managed to go out and attempt to garner a couple Mystery Geocaches. We got the first one we had tried, but the second one we were having a bot of trouble with to to the leaf cover of the trees where we were at. It was causing the GPS to jump all over the place and we could not pinpoint where the cache was located. We will probably try that one again this fall after the trees lose their leaves.
Mystery caches are comprised of puzzles you need to solve to get the coordinates, Michelle and I solved two yesterday morning and sought out to find them.
The problem was however it had rained a good bit and by the time we were on the trails at 2:00, the temps were heating up and it was rather humid out there. So, we did get out and manage to get a good healthy walk on the trails before heading home to some more rain.
Hayley left early yesterday morning for Alabama, she arrived safely early yesterday morning and is enjoying a couple of weeks with her boyfriend.