
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Trick or Treating

Once again the ghouls and goblins came to East fate to seek their treats. They came in groups both large and small to seek the candied treats.

It was a good evening, jean ordered some Pizza and make some chilli dogs for everyone before the night's festivities kicked off. Michelle and I got there early, it had been a while since we had stopped by just to say hi.

Both Pam and I brought multiple bags of candy, but Jean had a bowl of 512 miniature candy bars (about half size) just over the top filled up with candied treats. I have to say at the end of the night, we were the last house standing and still had candy left to offer. The bowl was well over half way gone, so I would say lower 300's for the total number of visitors we had foe the evening.

The rain and cold weather combined with the swine flu going around thinned the crowd out a little bit, I've seen larger more dense crowds, but with a steady flow it really was a nice turnout.

A Big Thank You to Jean for making this once again a memorable event that will last you a lifetime. I had a great time sitting out front with Michelle and Pam handing out candy to the children.

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