Ok, where to start. Oh, you may want to check out the Survivor Blog to see what some of the former players are having to say. Stephenie LaGrossa is winning the fan poll as the most popular survivor with Bobby Jon coming in second place in the Voting.
This week started off real quick with a rewards challenge, it was a challenge to build a tent, butt hey had to build it blindfolded. The reward was a lot of comfort items such as pillow and blankets that could be used back at their respective camps. The Yaxha and the Nakum tribes battled it out. Nakum came from behind and won the race in front of a temple that looks like the one used in the movie Beastmaster. I wonder if it the basis for the movie prop.
At the Nakum tribe Judd Sergeant had the nerve to disrespect WVU Grad Margaret Bobonich. I'm not for certain but I think it is a long standing law in Guatemala that if you disrespect someone educated at a fine institution like WVU, that executed. I'm pretty sure that this is a law, so get him the heck out of there so Margaret can keep playing.
For the immunity challenge there was a tree mail that mentioned human sacrifice, hmmm, how ironic. Maybe Nakum can lose the challenge and put Judd's head on the tribal chopping block. The Challenge was a game of cork ball, it's like an elevated game of soccer, but you have to pass the ball around and can not move with it. The object is to get the ball through a hoop. The first tribe with 5 goals wins the immunity challenge. During the basketball/soccer type game, Jeff gave a temperature update of 114 degrees. Nakum managed to win 5-3, sending Yahxa back to tribal council for the second time this game. This will leave them 1 survivor down for the game. Poor Steph, she can't seem to avoid Tribal Councils with the exception of the first round of this seasons game.
At Yaxha's second tribal council (they have lost 5 out of 6 overall challenges, I wonder if Steph feels like she's back in the old Ulong tribe from last round) the members discussed on who they were going to vote out. Brianna Varela was the one who the buzz said was the one going home. She didn't really give much of an effort in the immunity challenge.
After all of the votes were counted and at a 5-1 margin, Brianna ws sent back to shopping in the malls and off the island.