It has been a weekend full of graduations. From Brittany's Night to Kayla's and a few of Hayley's friends Saturday.
A few walks:
Brittany's Walk
Anthony Brown (a friend of Hayley's) and Kayla Brown (Jean's neice) were back to back.
Josh Cayton (A friend of Hayley)
Lynn Grainger (Brittany's Boyfriend) I forgot to zoom.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A Special Thanks
Now that Michelle and I have a car up and running I would like to extend a few special thank yous.
Jean. Thank you very much for all that you have done. Loaning us your car while we got one on the road yesterday was has been very appreciated. We were looking everywhere and you once again came through.
Scott. A coworker who unselfishly loaned us his truck for a couple of days so that both Michelle and I could get back to work during the time our vehicle is down.
A heartfelt thank you to all who helped and assisted us this past week.
Jean. Thank you very much for all that you have done. Loaning us your car while we got one on the road yesterday was has been very appreciated. We were looking everywhere and you once again came through.
Scott. A coworker who unselfishly loaned us his truck for a couple of days so that both Michelle and I could get back to work during the time our vehicle is down.
A heartfelt thank you to all who helped and assisted us this past week.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Congratulations Brittany
Wow how the time flies by, Brittany Dae Cummings is graduating from High School this evening.
I can't express how proud of here that I am. Michelle and I will try to be there tonight (car situation) for her graduation ceremonies at Clay Battelle High School. I have been to the school, but never been inside of it, so this will be a little bit of a surprise for me.
Congratulations Brittany.
Big Ole Hairy Friday
Yes it is once again that time of the week when we cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of time out to enjoy the fruits of our labors. It is once again the dawn of yet another weekend and once again a Big Ole Hairy Friday!!!!
Both Michelle and I are actually off today, we're going to try to get another car on the road while mine is out of commission in what could be a period of time. So we are going to make sure we have at least one mode of transportation here.
I spoke to Pam who spoke to Angela, Moke will be returning home from June 26-28 before he deploys.
Have a great day and the start of another weekend.
Both Michelle and I are actually off today, we're going to try to get another car on the road while mine is out of commission in what could be a period of time. So we are going to make sure we have at least one mode of transportation here.
I spoke to Pam who spoke to Angela, Moke will be returning home from June 26-28 before he deploys.
Have a great day and the start of another weekend.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Car Broke Down
yeah I know, this has to be the story of my life. My car is broke down and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is not a major issue, but we are preparing for the worst.
We were coming home Tuesday evening and the car started making funny noises and had absolutely no power. When I say no power, I mean 3-4 MPH top speed down hill. I'm afraid this may be something major.
We're looking to buy one of the older fleet cars from where Michelle works. I'll keep everyone informed, but right now I am borrowing a coworkers car to get me and Michelle back and forth to work.
I've had better weeks.
We were coming home Tuesday evening and the car started making funny noises and had absolutely no power. When I say no power, I mean 3-4 MPH top speed down hill. I'm afraid this may be something major.
We're looking to buy one of the older fleet cars from where Michelle works. I'll keep everyone informed, but right now I am borrowing a coworkers car to get me and Michelle back and forth to work.
I've had better weeks.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Moke is off and away

Pam mentioned something about Kuwait, as a possible initial place he will be shipped to, but I'm sure we have about a month and a half to find out more information about his departure.

I'll ley everyone know his contact information where he is stationed as soon as Pam or Ang hears something.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
You mean the weekend is over?

Now however it it time to put the nose back to the grindstone and get back to our daily grind. I do have to say that I did have a chance to relax. I am refreshed so I guess that that helps me on how I face the day before me.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day

The weather has been very cooperative the entire weekend. Little to no rain, in a weekend that basically called for rain all weekend. Nice enough that Michelle twisted my rm hard enough to force me to take her to Dairy Queen. OK, maybe it was the other way and I twisted her arm, but who cares. We had Dairy Queen.
If you do nothing else today, take a few minutes out and give thanks to those who have served and died protecting our freedoms. Sometimes the timing and weather of holidays cause us to forget why we have a holiday to begin with.
Enjoy your day and remember a soldier.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A day of visiting yesterday
Yesterday was a day of visiting Michelle's family in Ohio and a few Ohio Geocaches. The day started out with us finding three geocaches in Est Liverpool Ohio. One of which was cleverly hidden at the Lou Holtz Museum downtown.
First visit of the day included Michelle's Aunt Charlotte who we saw as we drove by. We stopped and talked to her a few minutes and then it was on to stop number two, Michelle's grandmother Gigi. 87 year old women who was outside in the 80 degree weather planting flowers.
The third stop of the day was at Michelle's Dad's to pick up a Iron City Beer collectible sis pack to commemorate the Pittsburgh Steeler's six Super Bowl Champions. I guess the CEO of Iron City is a good friend of Michelle's Dad and brought him a few of the collectibles.
Final stop of the day after a lunch break at the Hot Dog Shop was her Mom's to visit with her for a while. Her sister Danni just bought a new convertible Mustang, so of course Danni and Michelle went cruising around looking for good looking guys. She however got stuck with me taking her home.
It was a nice relaxing day to get out of town, I'm very happy the weather has been holding up.
First visit of the day included Michelle's Aunt Charlotte who we saw as we drove by. We stopped and talked to her a few minutes and then it was on to stop number two, Michelle's grandmother Gigi. 87 year old women who was outside in the 80 degree weather planting flowers.
The third stop of the day was at Michelle's Dad's to pick up a Iron City Beer collectible sis pack to commemorate the Pittsburgh Steeler's six Super Bowl Champions. I guess the CEO of Iron City is a good friend of Michelle's Dad and brought him a few of the collectibles.
Final stop of the day after a lunch break at the Hot Dog Shop was her Mom's to visit with her for a while. Her sister Danni just bought a new convertible Mustang, so of course Danni and Michelle went cruising around looking for good looking guys. She however got stuck with me taking her home.
It was a nice relaxing day to get out of town, I'm very happy the weather has been holding up.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Happy Birthday George McClain
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wow this is cheap
Just saw this mini laptop on the internet for $279. Mice cheap price if you are looking for a cheap laptop.
Big Ole Hairy Friday

I have to love it and to me this is the unofficial start of summer, even though softball has already started for the year. No snow and warm days ahead.
Tonight Michelle and I are going to have Colasessanos Pizza for dinner. We had our first one last week, but tonight we have a couple frozen kits we are going to make at home.
Bright and early tomorrow morning Michelle, Hayley and I will be heading to East Liverpool Ohio to visit Michelle's Dad. We'll also stop and visit her mom and sister on either the trip up, or the trip back.
Hopefully the weather holds up all weekend.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
For those of you who have never ridden the PRT
The PRT is down for the summer for maintenance. For those of you who have never had a chance to ride it, here is a Ride from end to end. From the Medical Center to Walnut.
Not much to say today, just looking for a little educational video for some of you who may never have ridden it.
Happy Birthday Pam
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
* Well there was a change of plans and assignments, Moke is reporting this morning at 5:30 AM and will be deployed to Afghanistan for a tour of 14 months. Pam called me again yesterday and gave me the latest update. I would have liked to have seen him before he left, but conflicting and changing schedules unfortunately prevented this.
* Trish, Layla and Arron stopped by yesterday evening. I felt bad because the birthday girl brought us some birthday cake to share.
* It's Humpday, the weekend (and a three day one at that) is getting closer.
* This is going to be a short BLOG, not too much to say beyond what I have already said.
* Trish, Layla and Arron stopped by yesterday evening. I felt bad because the birthday girl brought us some birthday cake to share.
* It's Humpday, the weekend (and a three day one at that) is getting closer.
* This is going to be a short BLOG, not too much to say beyond what I have already said.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Trish
A Good Night for Sports

Yesterday was an awesome day for sporting events. There are days when the planets just align perfectly and everything works your way, yesterday was one of those days.
The day started out with the softball team returning to form and picking up our third win of the young season to run our record to 3-1. This years team has gotten back the the fundamentals that we seem to had forgotten last season and guys are having fun once again, or at least having fun during the game AND post game.
After the game we headed to MiHALEY'S to watch the end of the Pittsburgh Penguins 3-2 victory and taking a 1-0 Eastern Conference Finals lead in the best of 7 series against the Carolina Hurricanes.
To close the night out, the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Washington Nationals 12-7 to give me a nice sports tri-fecta on the day.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Back to work kind of day, how about a tidbits
* This would be a lot nicer if this was NEXT Monday instead of today, a day that I have to return to my labors so I can enjoy myself.
* Just a little clarification from a critic. Kayla, who I blogged about a couple of days ago is Jean's Niece. It is Jean's younger sister Sandy's daughter. They managed to finish as first runner up in the states tennis tournament over the weekend.
* I have a softball game tonight at 8:00. This my least favorite time to play, because it is too early of a game to take a nap before and too late of a game after work. It's kind of the worst of both worlds for me.
* Pam left me a message and clarified that Moke was being shipped out to Wisconsin next Tuesday rather than Monday.
* I stopped over at Farida's this afternoon to help her hook up her TV set. She bought a TV stand with 16 WRONG pieces and a small separate note at the bottom of the box saying not to use the pieces in the bag. Too late, they should have told me that before it punched up through. Her and Jean will return it later this week and we'll do it again...with the right parts.
* Michelle planted a bunch of flowers around the house this afternoon. We moved all the firewood we had stored and she planted a flower garden in the planter behind it.
* Ran into Mom yesterday morning at Wal-Mart. Just like us, she was doing a little grocery shopping on a Sunday Morning.
* Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's back to the grindstone I go.
* Just a little clarification from a critic. Kayla, who I blogged about a couple of days ago is Jean's Niece. It is Jean's younger sister Sandy's daughter. They managed to finish as first runner up in the states tennis tournament over the weekend.
* I have a softball game tonight at 8:00. This my least favorite time to play, because it is too early of a game to take a nap before and too late of a game after work. It's kind of the worst of both worlds for me.
* Pam left me a message and clarified that Moke was being shipped out to Wisconsin next Tuesday rather than Monday.
* I stopped over at Farida's this afternoon to help her hook up her TV set. She bought a TV stand with 16 WRONG pieces and a small separate note at the bottom of the box saying not to use the pieces in the bag. Too late, they should have told me that before it punched up through. Her and Jean will return it later this week and we'll do it again...with the right parts.
* Michelle planted a bunch of flowers around the house this afternoon. We moved all the firewood we had stored and she planted a flower garden in the planter behind it.
* Ran into Mom yesterday morning at Wal-Mart. Just like us, she was doing a little grocery shopping on a Sunday Morning.
* Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's back to the grindstone I go.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Moke is going to be deployed
I spoke briefly with Pam and she had a friend who had someone deployed the same way and said this could mean either he is going to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.
He will report to Camp Dawson Saturday Morning and be in Wisconsin by Monday.
A Day of Geocaching
We decided with all of the things that were going on around town that that there would be too many muggles around for us to effectively do it so we decided to go out of town to do it.
After a little bit of thinking I decided that we should go to Philippi, a place Michelle had never been to Philippi nor had she ever seen its historical covered bridge
ON our way we decided to also stop at the International Mother's Day Shrine to find a cache and as we were on our way to Philippi we stopped by the Anna Jarvis Birthplace.
I know a goats life probably isn't that exciting, so this has to be the highlight of their lives.
On the return trip home we took the scenic route of the scenic route and stopped at Colasessanos Pizza for dinner. I have to say it was the first time I have ever gotten the chance to try it and both Michelle and I gave it two thumbs up and a very good pizza. I think I will have to add it to one of my favorite Pizza's that I have ever eaten.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Good Luck Kayla
I got home last night and had a chance to log onto facebook and saw a very pleasant surprise. Kayla Brown has advanced to the State Finals as ha;f of the number two doubles team and will be playing for a State Championship .
This is is not the first time Kayla and a doubles partner have advanced to the state finals, she did it last year also playing number 3 doubles.
Good Luck Kayla and bring a State Championship home with you.
This is is not the first time Kayla and a doubles partner have advanced to the state finals, she did it last year also playing number 3 doubles.
Good Luck Kayla and bring a State Championship home with you.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Friday

We were supposed to have a scheduled make up softball game for when we were rained out on May 4th against Team Budweiser, however no one has heard anything about any games this weekend so my guess is that we will not be making them up this weekend. When we were rained out, they specifically targeted this weekend to make them up, but like I said no one has heard a word about it yet.
This weekend is the 140th Commencement for West Virginia University. Eberly College will be hosting their commencement Sunday Afternoon. This years guest speaker is former WVU Academic All-American Quarterback Oliver Luck. The guest speaker when I graduated was David Selby, but I ahve also heard E. Gordon Gee and Governor Joe Manchin speak as well. I may pop in to hear Ollie speak.
This evening we will be venturing over to the Ostien's for a little weekend kickoff BBQ. Chris had tossed around the idea of us defending our Steeler's Trivia Champions Trophy, however we have decided to be like Jerome Bettis and retire on top.
Hopefully there is a little break in the weather this weekend, I hate the rain but not as much as snow.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Way to Go Penguins

I'm not a big Hockey Fan, but when I do watch it involves the Pittsburgh Penguins and the playoffs. Last night was supposed the be the climax game of a classic series. A game seven to win this memorable and hard fought series between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals. This was supposed to be the rubber match and the winner was to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.
The game didn't meet my expectations, but the Penguins won pretty handily 6-2.
The Penguins now advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, if they can manage a win in this best of seven series they will be playing for the Stanley Cup for the second year in a row. Maybe this is the year they win it all, the Steelers did.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad

Cookouts were often and plentiful, along with water battles which lead into food fights and were were even lucky enough to catch it on tape when we were lucky.
It'll be going on ten years since he passed away this summer. Ten years and a lot of things have happened, times I would have loved for him to see and been able to share with him as so many of the rest of his children and grandchildren would have like to have done.

We have had Graduations, marriages, births, Proms, Career beginnings and changes and quite a few holidays that just missed that George Hall Sr element. I know I miss him as I am sure everyone else does also.
So, Happy Birthday dad.
We have a winning streak
Yep, I am starting to think we have found that winning form that just hasn't been there the last two years in softball. We have added some new personnel, but with Casey coming back and adding a few solid players, we have found our fundamentals that helped us win so many games over few year stretch.
We won last night 6-5 with solid defense, teamwork, a few strategic coaching moves and hustle. It seems like we are actually good again.
After a nice hard fought 6-5 victory over Mylan Pharmaceuticals, we headed over to MiHALEY'S for a few beers, some good food and a little bit of a trivia battle between Chris and Ryan.
These are the times that I look forward to all year. These are also the days I will look back upon when years after I have played my last inning.
I love this team and this game.
Michelle says to tell everyone hello. Maybe she can do a guest blog sometime (hint hint)
We won last night 6-5 with solid defense, teamwork, a few strategic coaching moves and hustle. It seems like we are actually good again.
After a nice hard fought 6-5 victory over Mylan Pharmaceuticals, we headed over to MiHALEY'S for a few beers, some good food and a little bit of a trivia battle between Chris and Ryan.
These are the times that I look forward to all year. These are also the days I will look back upon when years after I have played my last inning.
I love this team and this game.
Michelle says to tell everyone hello. Maybe she can do a guest blog sometime (hint hint)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Possible Softball/MiHALEY'S kind of day
Well, weather permitting we will be playing softball this evening at Libratore Field, the after the game the team will be heading to MiHALEY'S for a few beers and some food.
Like AI said this will be weather permitting, because the weather has not been too softball cooperative in the past couple of weeks. You could say it has been down right bad weather to play in if they did try to play.
For what it is worth, I did cut my hair this past weekend, so it if gets cold or snows it was my fault and I apologize to everyone.
Like AI said this will be weather permitting, because the weather has not been too softball cooperative in the past couple of weeks. You could say it has been down right bad weather to play in if they did try to play.
For what it is worth, I did cut my hair this past weekend, so it if gets cold or snows it was my fault and I apologize to everyone.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Had a Nice Mothers Day
We had a nice, but long and busy Mother's Day yesterday. It started off with Me and Michelle grocery shopping and then us visiting her Mom at the Flea Market, Mom, Jean and then her Sisters for a great cookout in which her sister slaved all day over fried chicken. Of course it was in a box from Wal-Mart with todays date on it, but she did a great job.
Stopped by Mom and Gerald's first for a little bit of conversation about how nice Brittany looked for her Prom the night before. We caught them before they went out to lunch.
Then it was on to Jeans to say hello to her. Gary was on his motorcycle and getting ready to take a ride when we first got there. Rich's Son Rick and Trudy were there too, it was nice to see them.
Then it was over to Chris's for a cookout on a nice Sunday afternoon.
Great day, can't believe the weekend is over with. Doctor's appointment this afternoon for me. Just a routine visit.
Stopped by Mom and Gerald's first for a little bit of conversation about how nice Brittany looked for her Prom the night before. We caught them before they went out to lunch.
Then it was on to Jeans to say hello to her. Gary was on his motorcycle and getting ready to take a ride when we first got there. Rich's Son Rick and Trudy were there too, it was nice to see them.
Then it was over to Chris's for a cookout on a nice Sunday afternoon.
Great day, can't believe the weekend is over with. Doctor's appointment this afternoon for me. Just a routine visit.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the mothers around the world a very Happy Mother's Day today.
This is a holiday that's very origins are right here in North central West Virginia in Grafton. Father's Day was first observed in Fairmont, but Mother's day started it all off as far as celebrating the Mothers.
So to My Mom, Jean, Michelle and everyone else who is a Mother, I wish you a very Happy Mother's day.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Brittany's Prom
Kim has also taken a number of pictures, so I would look for her to publish them somewhere.
Up early on a Saturday Morning

I'm up early this morning, long before anyone else even thinks about getting up. I guess this comes from me going to bed last night at about 8:00, but these are the results. I have always been a and probably always be an early riser, something that was bestowed to my by my grandparents from my youth. I am, was and always have been an early morning person. I'm usually the one who wakes up the rooster.
Let's see, todays weather is calling for a high of 78 which I like, but a 40% chance of Thunderstorms which isn't exactly to my liking considering it has been raining for some time now.
This evening is Brittany's Prom and I'll try to meet her at the Erickson Alumni Center to get a few pictures. I have not been to the new alumni center, but it looks very nice.
I would like to wish Jenny Ostien a very Happy Birthday. Chris has a dinner planned for her in Pittsburgh, but Michelle's Mom is coming in and I want to get some pictures of Brittany's Senior Prom, so unfortunately we won't be able to make it this evening.
I wonder if I can get a geocache in before it really starts to rain today?
Friday, May 08, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes it is once again that time of the week we all look forward to, when you can take a little bit of time of and cease your labors for the week and take some time and enjoy the fruits of our labors. It is the dawn of yet another weekend and another Big Ole Hairy Friday!!!
This is going to be an event filled holiday weekend to say the least, whether Mother Nature cooperates or not.
WVU Baseball will be playing a Double Header tomorrow at 3:00 against Cincinnati and play the rubber game on Sunday Afternoon.
Tomorrow evening I am going to go to Erickson Alumni center to see Brittany. She will be attending her Senior Prom and I would like to get a few pictures of her at this memorable event. Seems like just yesterday they were wheeling her out of the delivery room.
Michelle's Mom will be paying us a visit this weekend. Sunday is Mother's Day and two of Susie's three daughters live here, so she is making the trip down to visit.
Sunday is Mother's Day.
Don't let the weather ruin your weekend.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Rain, rain go the heck Away

Anyone else tired of all this rain that we have been having? I mean it's bad enough that we flooded a few days ago, and that we had to play softball in the rain, but it is still raining?
OK, we get it, our local water table is full and has plenty of H2) for a while, you can bring on the sunshine and nice weather. I'm ready for the 8o degrees and the birds singing. I'm ready to see girls running around in bikini tops and shorts, I'm ready for it to stop raining and bring on the nice weather.
The students are leaving or getting ready to leave town, now is the time to be out and driving around town and stopping at dairy Queen for that extra large ice cream cone.
I know it's on the other side of this rain, but I just love the sunny weather.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
First Win of the Season
Even thought we played in Lake Morgantown last night, we managed to pull out a 15-9 win for our first victory of the 2009 season. A day after all of the rain had set in to Morgantown and everything was water logged, we played a good seven innings of softball last night.
After the game the team wanted to go to MiHALEY'S for Cinco de Mayo. As most of you know I write this the night before so it posts in the early AM, at the time I am actually writing this I still haven't decided on whether I am going to walk across the street yet.
Maybe sometime in the near future the weather will warm up and dry up.
After the game the team wanted to go to MiHALEY'S for Cinco de Mayo. As most of you know I write this the night before so it posts in the early AM, at the time I am actually writing this I still haven't decided on whether I am going to walk across the street yet.
Maybe sometime in the near future the weather will warm up and dry up.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
OK who ordered the rain with an extra helping of flood.

Wow was yesterday a day, flooding everywhere around town including Michael next door. It got so bad in his back yard he even went out and moved his boat. He has a 16'-18'boat in his backyard that he had to move to his front yard. Needless to say it floods quick down there.
I actually didn't really see or hear the rain. I was busy working and I was listening to a few of the comments on the Eric and Kevin Show on WVAQ and how everyone was calling in and talking about it. After I got out of an 8:30 meeting I walked outside to hear a few people comment on how badly it rained out.
We did have a scheduled 10:00 PM game last night, but it was cancelled so no game.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Time Moves Too Fast
Is the weekend already over? Are you kidding it seems like it just started and now I am a couple of hours from returning to the office for the week. Yuck, I guess it to the grindstone.
Yesterday was a good day however, Michelle and I stopped by to see Nick and Terri at their new abode for the first time since the day she actually moved. She has everything organized and you could just tell that they were happy to just be able to finally relax and not have to worry about everyone else.
After we left Nick and Terri's, Michelle and I brought out the iPhone and programmed the GPS and grabbed a couple easy geocaches. It was a short three day weekend, but a productive and memorable one, that's for sure.
Yesterday was a good day however, Michelle and I stopped by to see Nick and Terri at their new abode for the first time since the day she actually moved. She has everything organized and you could just tell that they were happy to just be able to finally relax and not have to worry about everyone else.
After we left Nick and Terri's, Michelle and I brought out the iPhone and programmed the GPS and grabbed a couple easy geocaches. It was a short three day weekend, but a productive and memorable one, that's for sure.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Saturday Afternoon Baseball
The two teams will play their third and rubber game of the series this afternoon at 1:00 if anyone is interested in going. Maybe WVU can salvage the better part of the three game series against the Scarlet Knights.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Dinner at MiHALEY's
Gary called me yesterday afternoon and said he would like the chance to try MiHALEY'S for dinner, so him Jean, me and Michelle enjoyed a nice dinner and a little entertainment from Floyd Cowger.
Floyd used to play down at Nick and Terri's and was a regular down there, but since they closed my opportunities to see him have been very slim. However he has started playing MiHALEY'S as well as a few other bands who used to play at Terri's.
I had my Hot Sausage Hoagie, Michelle has wings, Gary had a super thick Mushroom and swiss burger amnd Jean had Fillet Mignon and Seafood Alfredo. Everything was absolutely perfect and Michael once again hits one out of the ball park with his food.
Floyd used to play down at Nick and Terri's and was a regular down there, but since they closed my opportunities to see him have been very slim. However he has started playing MiHALEY'S as well as a few other bands who used to play at Terri's.
I had my Hot Sausage Hoagie, Michelle has wings, Gary had a super thick Mushroom and swiss burger amnd Jean had Fillet Mignon and Seafood Alfredo. Everything was absolutely perfect and Michael once again hits one out of the ball park with his food.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes it is once again that favorite time of the week that we all look forward too, when we cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of time out to enjoy the fruits of our labors. It is once again the dawn of yet another weekend starting with a "Big Ole Hairy Friday".
This has to be my favorite blog of the week, it's always delivering news we all want to hear and reminds us to take a little time out of our busy schedules.
Speaking of busy schedules, like mine last week where I was working late every day, I started my weekend yesterday afternoon as I am off today. I can only bill 80 hours and I have them all in. I'm salary which means AI could work more, but I won't make a nickel more so I'm staying home and relaxing a little bit.
Michelle has to work today, but she has a Doctor's appointment this afternoon to follow up on the issues of a few weeks ago. She has been feeling fine, so no worries. We'll have her out finding a geocache or two this weekend one way or another.
Speaking of geocaching, is anyone ready to give this thing a try and go with me and Michelle? We can look for easy or hard ones if anyone would have some free time and would like to go. We can do easy terrains or ones that make you have a heart attack, we can customize the search to your wants or needs.
It's calling for rain all weekend, I'm wanting to clean out the inside of the Rodeo this weekend. Give it a little bit of a spring cleaning since I just got it inspected and it's a the start of summer.
If anyone is looking for a little cheap but fun entertainment, WVU baseball is playing at home this weekend against Rutgers. 7:00 tonight, 3:00 tomorrow and 1:00 Sunday. Admission is $5.00 at the door and it really is a good time with fairly priced concessions.
Enjoy yourselves, life's too short and make sure you live it to the fullest.
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