Let's see, what else is new. Terri and I went out to dinner again this evening, we went to Wings Ole. This is two Saturdays in a row she has had off, although I have a feeling this may be her last for a while, the bar was swamped this afternoon.
On my own personal side, a few new things. First of all the Company I work for is now Officially Merging with Infotech (our parent company) and as of monday we are adopting their name and laying to rest the VARGIS name.
I did get some good news this past week, I guess I'm going to be able to start working remotely in about another month or two. Instead of me driving to Frostburg every day, it was discussed and presented to me about the opportunity to work from home the majority of the time. It may be another month before all that is set up, I may need to get a new Computer and the ESRI licenses need to be renewed and convertd to a stand alone for me to do this.
I also hear from a couple other companies this past week. One had contacted me before and it's just a followup. Nothing serious, the other appears to be quite interested and I may have an interview set up in a couple weeks in Monroeville Pa.
I don't know how anything is going to turn out, but it's nice to be able to re-explore my options from time to time.
Let's see what other news I have come across. Moke graduates in May, and is also starting or did start to work at Taco Bell. Randy is workign for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Renee and Angela (Moke's girlfirend) have both been accepted into the surgical technician school.
I did get a brief chance to talk with Mom tonight and catch up on what's new with her. Would you believe she accused me of not Blogging? I can't let me readers down.
Tomorrow I am scheduled to do a Prime Thyme Softball vs WVAQ paintball warriors thing at Rich's farms. If I go I'll be sure to get some pics and fill everyone in on how it went.
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