Once again Survivor fans, it's Thursday night and you know what that means. It's time for the Steph-a-holics to unite for your weekly ritual once again and tune into CBS and enjoy the best reality show on television. You have to love this as a lead in to a new weekend.
On the pre-show poll watch, the sexy
Stephenie LaGrossa once again enjoys a very large lead in the most popular survivor poll. She's pulling in 45% of the vote compared to second place
Bobby Jon's10%.
At the start of the show, the great
Margaret was discussing the shipdits
Judd's betrayal of his original tribe last week at tribal council. Obviously he doesn'tr understand the power of the WVU alum and turned his back on it once again. Personally zI think the man should be dipped in honey and fed to bears.
For the rewards challenge they were playing for dinnner and a floating crocodile proof swimming cage. Yaxha and Nakum battled through a short obstacle course to obtain four handles. Once the four handles were obtained they were to be given to four other tribe members where they formed a big crank and pulled in a big wooden cart and to the finish line. Yahxa had one of the biggest margins of victory in any challenge that I think I have seen since I started watching survivor.
Jamie Newton couild not manage to complete the first part of the rewards challenge obstacle by pounding a sharp rock through a rope.
This had to be a crushing blow to our heroine Steph, who just can't seem to have any luck at any rewards challenges or immunity challenges.
Once they returned from the immunity challenge, Judd was mouthing off to everyone and I think they need to assasinate his New Jersey rear end at dawn. I think he must be a Pitt fan, becasue he really is an arrogant pigs rectum. I never have liked hima nd will enjoy the day he is gone.
At the immunity challenge, the two tribes breaks into two groups of three survivors and basically play a big game of catch with a catapult and a net. The object was to fire a ball from the catapult and try to it. This looks a like a challenge where your team needs to work as a team to accomplish this feat. At the challenge
Lydia Morales came up HUGE for Yaxha and allowed them to claim immunity. This will be only the second tribal council since Steph started playing the game last round that she will NOT be taking part in! Woo Hoo, we get Steph for another week.
Now that Nakum's winning streak is over with, they now have to make a trip to tribal council. If you ask me who I think will be going hime prior to council, I would have to say Frat Boy
Blake Towsley, however they don;t have the numbers to vote him off, so this could be interesting to see who goes home.
At Tribal Council I was a little surprised to see that previous trival alliances didn't really matter and Frat "Golden Boy" Blake was voted off by a 4-3 vote.