
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wow talk about traffic last night

I never thought I would see complete gridlock the backside of Collins Ferry Road barring an ice storm or some kind of inclimate weather. Last night coming home from work, the same time that the Department of Energy and Mylan Pharmaceuticals were letting out a company doing construction on the road had one side of the road completely blocked. They had a flag man letting people through but up the road about 150-200 yards on the other side of the street a dump truck working that was supposed to be doing some hauling for this company lost a wheel on the other side of the road.

What do you get when you have this, a couple of flagmen that have no idea what is going on and no one paying attention? You get complete and total gridlock, no one was moving in either direction either way. A Tow truck had showed up to tow the truck that lost its wheel, but because of the gridlock people were pulling up behind the tow truck with no where to go in the middle of this gridlock and blocking any chance of anyone one help ease the situation.

It's bad enough the city has the students back, it's bad enough at the time when two large employers were letting out with only on access road in, it's bad enough when they are working on the road at this time and with these conditions and then all of these factors together a complete headache.

Now the real kicker, we thought the car ran out of gas. It actually even stalled on us, but when traffic finally did start to move we did make it out and to the closest gas station.

Hopefully today will be much better.

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