Michelle and I had a rather busy day yesterday. Our evening started off with Amy and Ralphies wedding. Amy is now officially a Dalton and no longer a Hamrick.
It was a short and quick wedding, so quick that I honestly missed it because I was fidgeting with Val's camera trying to get it to work. The next thing I know I look up and they are walking out of the church. I must be deaf too because I turned to Michelle and asked what they were doing.
Either way it was nice to see everyone together, the reception's this evening, and I'll put all the pictures up after that.

After that we were off to the Final MiHALEY'S team softball gathering of the 2009 season. It's sad to know that football practice has started and that the time of the year that I look forward to is now once again a memory.
We all got together on the upstairs deck at MiHALEY'S for the good time. Most of the teams life gets very busy at 4:00 this afternoon as the first Mountaineer Football practice take place.
It's been an exciting summer, but the summer of Phil (Caskey.. Front left) has come to an end. He has been all over this rock over the past few months and his is one whose reality comes back today.
Front Row (L to R):
Phil Caskey, Chris Ostien, Paul Gunter
Middle Row: Dan Barnes, Chris Evans, Casey Quinlan, Kevin Johnson, Ryne Barrall
Back Row:
Dan Barnes, me, Sean Arthurs, Steve (Chewy) Stavar, Steve Reckart, Skip Hickey