* First off, tomorrow is Gary's birthday. Gary was born June 5th and this will be a little reminder to everyone that tomorrow is his birthday.
* Tuesday, June 6th it will be off to my second
Jimmy Buffet concert. I went last year and had a great time at PNC Park. This year the concert is back in Burgettstown and at the Post-Gazette pavilion. If it is half as much fun as last year, it will be well worth it. We are planning on going up early and tailgating most of the afternoon. I should be able to provide a picture or two from the days festivities.
* This coming Thursday I will be in my office in Frostburg. We're trying to iron out the process of a rather large project. We are trying to deliver it in the quickest, most efficient and uniform manner without corrupting any of the data during the process.
* Our softball team is off to another great start this season. We have managed to pull out victories in our last four games and have ran our current record to 5-1. There are two teams in our league that are still undefeated. One of which is our one loss and the other is a team we were scheduled to play and we had a rainout. We scrimmaged them earlier in the year and handled them quite easily that day, but we'll see how it goes when it actually counts.
* I was planning on working part of today and take off part of Tuesday for the concert, but the IT guys have the network all tied up right now. Probably the main reason why I am blogging rather than testing a few scripts.
* School is now officially out for the summer for all of the kids. If you know a kid that just completed the year, give them a pat on the back and encourage them.

* The weather isn't very good today, it's not really that warm and it's not really that cold. If the IT guys don't hurry up it's going to be a good day to visit rails to trails. They have been doing some construction this summer on one of the main parts of the trail as you can see by this picture. The detours not that bad and walks you through the streets of the Wharf District.
* For those of you not being able to make it to the Jimmy Buffett Concert this Tuesday, there will be a Jimmy Buffett tribute band playing later this week.
* For you bread lovers, and unfortunately I am one of them,
Daily Kneads has their website back up and running.
Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.--Buddha