
Friday, January 10, 2025

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Kiwi is celebrating, Peanut on the other hand is not so excited as it's just another day to her. I guess that is the difference between a feline and a birds life. Kiwi is animated and happy about everything, except him not being able to beat his sister in Chess. 

So what are our plans for this weekend? Probably just some chores and relaxing, it's this middle of winter thing and I've been battling being sick once again so there is that.I seem to battle this every January the past few years, could be a sign that I am getting older. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

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