
Sunday, April 07, 2024

Happy Birthday Terri Rehmani

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my amazing sister Terri a very Happy Birthday today, by my count she is still 21, but I never use traditional calendars and use my own unique temporal measuring system. 
Terri just finished up a big battle with Breast Cancer this past week. She is a strong and inspiring woman and now she has the title of Breast Cancer Survivor to go along with everything else. She is a strong and inspiring woman to say the least. 

Terri is one of the most unselfish and amazing person you could ever meet or come across. If you have someone like this in your life you're pretty lucky and I'm pretty lucky. It was her that picked me up at the lowest point in my life and dusted me off and put me on the right path despite me having the fears that I had at that time, that makes her pretty damned amazing in my book and I'm thankful she is my sister.

Not sure if anyone will see Terri today, but if you are fortunate enough take a little bit of time out and wish her a very Happy Birthday today.

Happy Birthday, Terri.

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