The last few years he has became very focused and motivated and has really started to excell academically and has a solid gameplan for the completion of his education. he will be entering Fairmont State University this fall where he has already been admitted. He is wanting to study engineering, but my advice would be to go find out all the possibilities of a major before you commit.
He's also come up with a solid gameplan to have his education paid for. He will also be joining the National Guard and they will be payign for his education, he will just need to make a commmitment to them for a few years post college graduation.
I, as well as everyone else is very proud of him. He has a dream, a gameplan to accomplish that dream and the willpower and motivation to accept any challenge that is placed in front of him to achieve his dream.
With his focus, dedication and the morals that Pam and George have bestowed upon him, he's got all the ingrediants for success.
Congrats Moke, we are all very proud of you
The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.--Bill Beattie
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