* We are already at Tuesday for the week, being I had a very busy day at work yesterday and a late night (10:00PM) softball game last night.
* Late night again tonight, only this time we are matching up against Riverside Church and my old boss (great guy) and the guy I used to play trivia with at work. I know they will be out today warming up with a little wiffle ball, so we'll have to bring our "A" game tonight.
* Hey if you are looking for a nice auction to go to, Michelle's
Brother in Law is now an auctioneer (they used to own High Moon Stables for you older readers) and will be having his first auction this Saturday.
HERE is a list of what is being auctioned off. Jim has a knack for it, I've heard him do a little of it. Michelle and I will be there.
* One week. I am once again week or seven days from once again embarking on the Parrot Head Nation. I tried to sell to hard to Michelle last year, but if you have ever been to a Buffet concert you know words don't do it justice.
* I'm wanting to do another Music/Image movie. I think I would like to do one for Brittany being she just graduated and Michelle has given me a nice theme type idea to do.
* I think I am needing to take more pictures. I have an external Hard Drive that I use to store them, currently I have just under 12,000 memories that I have captured since I bought my first camera and took an interest in Photography.
* Finally I think I have really found a social networking site that I really like. I was a a member of MySpace for a while and I still use it, but Facebook just offers so much more including the ability to meet up again with people that I would actually want to meet up with again.
* It was a short night and a long day ahead, so Hi Ho Hi Ho........