
Monday, August 20, 2007

Foggy Morning

It's Monday morning and it starts out like any typical day for me when I walked out and got my morning newspaper, but this morning had a different feel to it. I can't explain it, but there is that crisp and cool smell that you can always associate with fall that I did smell this morning. I always associated the early morning smell with football season.

The visual effects could have been added this morning as I walked out and it was a little foggy out this morning. It just seemed like fall rather than summer. Of course today is the first day of classes at WVU so that could be a good indicator that the days of summer are waning and we are beginning to make the transition to autumn.

I don't mind fall or spring, I just wish we could have a couple days of Winter at Christmas and go right back to spring.

Maybe it has been foggy before, but I never seem to notice it anymore when I don't have to drive to Frostburg anymore.

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