
Friday, January 17, 2025

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Hopefully the weather will be better this weekend than it has the past couple. Snowfall and more snowfall is not how I like to spend my weekends, but if you know anything about me you would know I don't like snow. Not even a little bit.

No plans for the weekend as of press time, but I guess I shouldn't be complaining. Weather permitting we might try to get out and get some things done this weekend that we normally wouldn't do because of the bad weather. 

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

One of the most special times of the year around here is usually mid October, that is when the leaves all change colors and the view at some scenic places is absolutely breathtaking. Notice the time frame I started/

At the end of October Michelle and I went to Coopers Rock to see of we could witness any of the fall colors even though we were on the very back end if not past time time when it would have been optimal. 

I grabbed this picture of my wonderful wife as we were walking towards the overlook, they put a few of these types of setting around the state and now Coopers Rock has at least one (or at least that I saw) heading to the big rock. 

Have yourselves a great day.

Hi ho hi ho

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Happy Birthday Michelle Dawn Hall

I would like to take this opportunity to wish what I truly believe as the best wife in the Universe a Very Happy Birthday today. This is my soulmate and the absolute love of my life. I do not know what I would do without her, she is an absolutely amazing woman.
Mother, Wife, Daughter, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Cat Mom, and Bird Mom are things she does and does very well. I have to say that I am very lucky to be able to witness all that she does on a daily basis.
She is lucky to share this Birthday with her Sister Chris who is also celebrating a birthday today. So if you see either of these lovely ladies, make sure you take a little bit of time out and wish each of them a very Happy Birthday today.
Michelle, I Love You with all my heart and I truly appreciate everything that you do. 

Happy Birthday.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is once against completed, you know what that means. 

* It has been 22,300 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. 

* It has been 7,553 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I love what I do and am thankful to still be working on my field. 

* 6,140 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Ironically the theatre we went to see the movie in just closed for business this past weekend. 

* 5,351 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. I've been the luckiest guy since that fateful day. 

* It was 5,389 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, it was a great day with friends and family. 

* I have now lived 2,526 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 1,184 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 1,043 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,576 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* 351 more days to go until my Goodbye 2025 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year.

* There are 344 more shopping days left until Christmas 2025.

* There are 322 days until I hit the age of 62. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* Pitt comes back to Morgantown in 243 more days. I can't wait. Revenge time for Rich Rod!!!!

* There are 204 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Fourteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* There are only 55 days to go until Spring 2025, my favorite season of the year.  

* 20 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day. He and French Creek Freddie agreed on their predictions this year,  now let's just wait to see if they come true.   

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State.

* I have written 7,819 blogs in what is now 20 years since I started blogging. Two decades ago.   

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.   

* Yes the Air conditioner is still in the bedroom window, now we are thinking about leaving it in for the winter. Now Michelle wants to take it out. 

* Life is much better when you eat Girl Scout Cookies, just saying. 

* Still playing Monopoly Go. I'm still in 4th place among friends and family. 

* This is my favorite Tiktok for this week. Might be something to try. 

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, January 13, 2025


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

If you want my opinion, weekends move by way too quickly. I did have a little bit of entertainment this past weekend as I watched people try to navigate the roads who are unfamiliar with driving in wintery conditions and are also unfamiliar in terrain driving (meaning you have hills as obstacles). It was cheap and fun entertainment to say the least. 

So what is on the week ahead? There is not much coming up this week as far as work related things. Still chugging along as is Michelle. Just your typical week. 

Have yourselves a great day.

Hui ho hi ho

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Here I sit in a semi-quiet household, Kiwi and Peanut have decided to pull the blackstone out of the garage and bring it downstairs, they want to do some kind of a seed/catnip type of dish that they can make for a nice healthy snack today. Kiwi was researching recipes all day yesterday and Peanut thinks she is the Galloping Cat Gourmet. Michelle and I will be making poor man's stuffed peppers while those two work on their animal-favorite contraption. 

Still feeling a little under the weather this morning, I've had this about a week and a half and it started out as a stomach bug that is also a head cold, it's like a lot of little sicknesses all rolled into one. I'm not planning on going to Ryleigh's Birthday Party today, so to make it up to her I'll post that she is selling Girl Scout Cookies once again if anyone would like to order from her. 

Yesterday was a fun one down in the valley, cars were stuck in the turn and getting stuck in the ditches all morning long due to the snowfall. It was an utter mess all morning and afternoon where there was even a car stuck at the beginning of our driveway for a few hours. 

Have yourselves a great day, make it memorable. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Happy Birthday Sandra Irene Bell

On this cold and snowy Saturday Morning, both Peanut and Kiwi said that they would be good and play a few friendly hands of Poker on their Grandmother Sandi's Birthday. Kiwi was going to fly over an make her and Gerald Breakfast, but he is too caught up in a game of poker with Peanut. 

I would like to take this opportunity to wish my wonderful Mother, Sandra Irene, a very Happy 82nd birthday (which rounds down to 29 years old) today. I know she really enjoys reading what my two rambunctious animals do every weekend, but I told them to play nice for Grandma today but their competitive nature took over. 

Not too sure what Mom has planned for the day, not that I would advise them on going anywhere with the additional impending snow that we are scheduled to get, but whatever it is she gets into today I'm sure it will be special. 

Happy Birthday Mom from Michelle, Peanut, Kiwi and myself.