
Saturday, February 04, 2023


Here I sit in a quiet household, Kiwi and I are up speaking back in forth in Mandarin Chinese about how lucky we are that cows can't fly. Can you imagine the attack of cow chips from above, it could get messy. It's one thing to have a bird poop on your windshield, but a cow? 

Michelle has been home sick the last couple of days, lingering effects from a migraine plus diarrhea has not made the last couple of days pleasant for her. 

My agenda for the day is to run and dry laundry at the laundromat. I usually wash it all on Fridays then go early Saturday morning to dry everything. I'm an early riser plus Kiwi never lets me sleep in, so I don't mind. Now if I can just teach him how to dry and fold it I would be sitting pretty. 

Cold weather means no plans for us today. This could be a day when I come home and take a nice nap, or spend the day playing on the XBOX. 

Have yourselves a great day.  

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