
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday's Tidbits

* Monday is once against completed, you know what that means. It's time for a Tidbits!!!!

* It has been 22,356 days since I was born, that is 21 years using my new,  new, and improved 1,045-day Calendar. 

* It has been 7,609 days since I graduated from WVU with a Degree in Geography. I love what I do and am thankful to still be working on my field. 

* 6,196 days ago Michelle and I had our first date together. Ironically the theatre we went to see the movie in just closed for business this past weekend. 

* 5,407 days ago I proposed to Michelle in the backyard at 4:00 in the morning. I've been the luckiest guy since that fateful day. 

* It was 5,445 days ago in front of our closest friends and family, for the most part, Michelle and I became husband and wife at the Marilla Center, it was a great day with friends and family. 

* I have now lived 2,582 days longer than my Dad did and I'm still going strong, slowing down but still going. 

* Michelle has been living a clean and productive life and beat that alcohol demon 1,240 days ago today. 

* My older Brother Jonathan lived 21,273 days, I've now outlived him by 1,099 days making me Senior Supreme Sibling once again! 

* I have 2,520 days to go until I retire, give or take a few hundred days here or there, but I love doing what I do. Who knows, though, doing what I do I may never retire.

* 328 more days until Phil steps to center stage once again for Groundhog Day.    

* 295 more days to go until my Goodbye 2025 Blog is posted. Hopefully, I can put some better content together this year.

* There are 288 more shopping days left until Christmas 2025.

* There are 267 days until I hit the age of 62. Yeah I know, I'm really older than 21. 

* Pitt comes back to Morgantown in 197 more days. I can't wait. Revenge time for Rich Rod!!!!

* There are 148 more days to go until Michelle and I celebrate our Fourteenth Wedding Anniversary together. 

* There are only 9 days to go until Spring 2025, my favorite season of the year.  

* It has been ∞ (infinity symbol) days that I have hated both Pitt and Penn State.

* I have written 7,870 blogs in what is now 20 years since I started blogging. Two decades ago.   

* Older Drone still needs to be sent out for repairs, not a big priority at this time. My little drone is awesome and I really like it....when I take time out to fly it.   

* Yes the Air conditioner is still in the bedroom window, now we are thinking about leaving it in for the winter. It's almost time to uncover it. WIN!!!!

* Life is much better when you eat Girl Scout Cookies, just saying. I've made my order already. 

* Still playing Monopoly Go. I'm still in 5th place among friends and family. It's been a back and forth and I currently sit at 4th place again. 

* This is my favorite Tiktok for this week. Enjoy it, I did. 

* Hi ho hi ho

Monday, March 10, 2025


All good things must come to an end, but this is an exciting day to end the weekend on. Now we have to take our collective noses and stick them back onto that grindstone known as life and get back to doing what it is that we do for a living to make this a better rock to live on.

At least today I get a third assistant to help me out, we are going to introduce Lucy to the geospatial world of GIS. It appears like I will have all the help I need today to trace down what I need to trace down. 

I do have a Doctors appointment this morning as well, I'm meeting my new Doctor as I didn't really see eye to eye with my previous physician, that and he is graduating from his residency in a couple of months, so I thought it would be best to move to a see a younger resident. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Sunday Morning Ramblings

Here I sit in a once quiet household, we have three pets who are up and wanting me to make sure that I have moved all the manual clocks ahead one hour. It is the official start of Daylight Savings time (meaning we lose an hour of sleep) and it will remain until November 2nd. All three animals are reminding me that not all of our clocks are automatic and they need done. They are all just so regimented and disciplined, moreso than us Humans. 

We did get our shopping done yesterday, so everything that needed to be done is done. Michelle shopped for groceries and I went for animal stuff. 

I did talk to Pam yesterday, she said Eugene's funeral was nice and Junius Lewis gave the sermon. He also married Brittany and Matt last fall. I told Pam when I first stated going to WVU Basketball games, he was my favorite player (along with Lowes Moore) as a kid. 

I went and visited Mom at Encompass Friday, she was now all settled in for her 9 day stay for Rehab. Of course I show up and what is she watching? A show about Midgets. We sat and talked about the Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon. I reminded her I broke my leg in 1973 playing touch football about where encompass is located, but I broke it closer to the right side parking lot.

Have yourselves a great day, Mom has her computer with her, so send her a Facebook message. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025


Here I sit in a semi-quiet household. Lucy, Kiwi, and Peanut have kept me up all night playing Gin Rummy and ordering Pizzas. They are just laughing and having a good old time. Kiwi is not doing very well; it's hard for him to conceal his cards without the other two seeing them. Peanut is trying to look at Lucy's cards by distracting her, but Lucy is keeping an eye on the cat as she knows she is a master chess player. 

Lucy has ben visiting with us all week, Mom has been in the hospital and is now at encompass for about a week or so, so we have been and will continue to dog sit Lucy until Mom is released. Encompass is just right up over the hill, so we're close. 

We're both going to be doing a little bit of shopping today, Michelle the grocery and I'm going to run out and pick up more food and treats for Lucy as she will be staying with us this coming week as well.

Before you go to bed tonight, make sure that you set your clocks up an hour as Daylight Savings time begins tonight. We will all lose an hour of sleep, but it will be starting to get dark later in the evening. 

Have yourselves a great day. 


Friday, March 07, 2025

Big Ole Hairy Friday

Yes, it is once again that time of the week that we all look forward to when we can take time to cease the labors for the week and take a little bit of needed time out to enjoy the fruits of those labors. It is again the dawn of another weekend and a Big Ole Hairy Friday.

Kiwi and Peanut are obviously happy that it is Friday, they like weekends as they get to spend the most time with their two favorite humans. It's a time of celebration in their eyes, or should I say as they look through life with our eyes. 

So what is on the agenda for the weekend coming up? No real plans, don't knock it as once the weather warms up and there is more to do around the house our lives will start to get busier. Maybe those will be the days when I can actually start writing content with some meaning behind them rather than empty words to fill up space and keep the blog active. I swear this is the hardest time of the year to write anything, especially when it comes to Fridays. 

Have yourselves a great day. 

Hi ho hi ho

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Photo Flashback Thursday

Once a week I like to take a little bit of time out, time to look at some of the 30,000+ photos that I have stored on my computer. Little lost moments in time that I either captured with a lens, scanned or just stole from someplace on the internet. I like to find just one and post it up and recall or relive the picture to the best of my ability. Sometimes this is a pretty easy task and sometimes it's not that easy, one thing it has always been a lot of fun.

This weeks pic goes back almost 9 whole years. Michelle and I had a cat named Phin who ended up having some complications after a surgery to fix her and she ended up passing away. Michelle was heartbroken, so I had to find something to ease her broken heart. I got on Petfinders (as did she) and wouldn't you know it, we both found one specific cat that garnered each of our attention. 

So who was it? It was none other than the legendary Peanut who has been with us almost 9 years now. We contacted the contact person, paid the adoption fees and the next thing you know this little bundle of joy was coming home with us to stay for a furever home. She was such a cutie and this picture is one of the first ones we took of her on the day we brought her home.

She was the perfect find, we could not have found any cat that could have filled the role that only she could fill. Now she has a brother named Kiwi that she gets into all kinds of hijinx with. 

Have yourselves a great day

Hi ho hi ho